Privacy Policy


Consultation of our website( (hereinafter, also the "Site") involves the processing of data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons. In compliance with the obligations set forth in Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 (hereinafter, also the "Regulation" or the "GDPR"), this notice describes, with the utmost transparency, how the personal data of visitors and/or users who consult the aforementioned Site are processed.The following information relates exclusively to the aforementioned Site. It does not concern channels other than the Site and, in particular, does not concern other Internet sites, pages and/or services that can be reached through hypertext links published in this Site. FIVEN S.p.a. is not liable for violations and/or damages caused by the activity of other Internet sites, pages and/or services that can be reached through hypertext links published in this Site.

Data controller
The data controller is FIVEN S.p.a. (C.F. and VAT no. 05794871219), with registered office in 80127 - Naples (Na), Via Belvedere 101 (hereinafter, also the "Data Controller"), who can be contacted by ordinary electronic mail at and by certified electronic mail at Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (Data Protection Officer)Pursuant to Article 37 of Regulation 2016/679, a Data Protection Officer (so-called RDO or Data Protection Officer-DPO) was appointed on 10.03.2021 Dr.ssa Emanuela Franco, who can be contacted at the following e-mail address: Legal basis for processing FIVEN S.p.a. processes personal data alternatively, depending on the purposes of processing, where:the consent of the data subject is acquired; it is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller.

Data collected and the purpose of processing and Navigation Data
The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this Site acquire, in the course of their normal operation, certain personal data whose collection is derived automatically from the communication protocols of the Internet. Such data, therefore, are necessary to use Internet services. These data include: -Internet protocol (IP) address; -type of browser and parameters of the device used to connect to the site; -name of the internet service provider (ISP); -date and time of visit; -visitor's web page of origin (referral) and exit;- possibly the number of clicks. The aforementioned data are not, therefore, processed in order to be associated with identified data subjects, but, by their nature, they could, also through processing with data held by third parties, allow users and/or visitors to be identified. The aforementioned data are processed automated information and collected in aggregate form only, for the pursuit of legitimate interests of the Data Controller and, in particular, in order to verify the proper functioning of the Site and ensure the computer and network security, as well as the safety of the users and/or visitors themselves; b. prevent the misuse of services and/or the performance of harmful activities and/or constituting a crime; c. extrapolate statistical information on the use of the Site. Browsing data, collected by the Site during its operation, are used exclusively for the purposes indicated above and stored for the time strictly necessary to carry out the specified activities and, in any case, for a period of time not exceeding 7 days. In any case, the data collected by the Site will never be provided to third parties, for any reason whatsoever, unless it is a legitimate request by a judicial authority and only in the cases provided for by law.

Data provided by users and/or visitors
The communication of personal data, including contact data, by users and/or visitors, through the optional and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses of the Data Controller and/or the optional and voluntary filling in and forwarding of the form present on the Site and/or forms present on linked sites that refer to this statement, entails the acquisition of the aforementioned data and consent to their processing. Users and/or visitors may deny consent and/or revoke, at any time, a consent already provided, through the completion and submission of the form on the Site. However, denying and/or revoking consent may make it impossible for FIVEN S.p.a. to provide certain services and/or perform certain services; the experience of browsing the Site may, moreover, be compromised. If consent is revoked, the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to revocation will not be affected. The data and information that users and/or visitors to the Site will deem to be provided through the services and tools made available to them are provided by the user knowingly and voluntarily, exempting FIVEN S.p.a. from any liability with regard to possible violations of the law. It is up to users and/or visitors to verify that they have permissions to enter personal data of third parties or content protected by national and international regulations. Where the Site allows comments to be entered, certain user identification data, including e-mail address, will be automatically collected and recorded. Such data will be understood to be voluntarily provided by the user at the time of the request to post the comment. By posting a comment, the user declares that he/she is aware of the content of this privacy policy, which he/she expressly accepts, and agrees that the posted content may also be freely accessed by third parties. The data provided by users and/or visitors are used for the sole purpose of providing the services and/or performing the services requested and only for the time necessary for this purpose or for a longer time if required by a contract or by applicable legal provisions. The same data will not be disclosed to third parties, for any reason whatsoever, unless it is a legitimate request by a judicial authority and only in cases provided for by law.

As is customary on all Internet sites, this Site also makes use of cookies. Cookies are small text strings that store information about the activities and preferences of users and/or visitors on their terminal equipment (usually on the browser), which will, then, be transmitted back to the same sites on the next visit of the same users and/or visitors. These text strings, by storing the aforementioned information, make it possible to evaluate the Site's performance, improve its functionality (e.g., by identifying the most searched services), simplify its navigation by automating certain procedures (e.g., by remembering login credentials so as to speed up future accesses to a given service and/or the chosen language), as well as analyze its use by users and/or visitors (e.g., by identifying the content displayed in order to offer a more relevant service).While browsing the Site, users and/or visitors may also receive on their terminal equipment cookies that are sent from different sites or web servers (so-called "third parties"), on which some elements (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) accessible from the Site itself may reside. The latter, in these cases, acts, therefore, as an intermediary for third-party cookies, used in order to provide additional services and features to users and/or visitors and to improve the use of the Site itself. FIVEN S.p.a. has no control over third-party cookies and has no access to such data. As a result of this, information on the use of said cookies and their purposes, as well as on how to disable them if necessary, is provided directly by the third parties, in their respective privacy policies and/or cookie policies, on the relevant pages, which are indicated in the cookie management window (hereinafter, also the "Management Window"). Cookies can be divided indue macro-categories: "technical" cookies and "profiling" cookies.

Technical cookies
Technical cookies are computer elements of a purely technical nature and are used for the sole purpose of enabling the site to function properly and, therefore, for users and/or visitors to enjoy it. They have, therefore, a purely functional role, are not used for further purposes and are normally installed directly by the Data Controller or site operator. Within the macro-category of technical cookies, three sub-categories can be identified: navigation or session cookies: they ensure the safe navigation and enjoyment of the website, preventing cyber attacks on the website itself. They are essential in order to be able to distinguish between logged in users and/or visitors and are useful to prevent a requested functionality from being provided to the wrong user and/or visitor. Session cookies contain no personal data and last for the current session only, i.e., until the browser is closed.

3a.Functionality cookies
They allow users and/or visitors a navigation of the website according to a set of selected criteria and/or functionalities (for example, remembering login credentials and/or the chosen language), in order to improve the service rendered to them. To know the duration of individual functionality cookies, see the Management Window.Analytics cookies: are assimilated to technical cookies where they are used directly by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and/or visitors and how they visit the website itself. The results of these analyses are used anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes. To know the duration of individual analytics cookies see the Digest Window. For the installation of technical cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the site and the use of certain features, prior consent of users and/or visitors is not required. For the installation of technical cookies that are not strictly necessary for the operation of the site and the use of certain features, the prior consent of users and/or visitors expressed the first time they visit the site is required.

3b. Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are aimed at creating profiles relating to users and/or visitors and are used in order to send commercial messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of web browsing. The Site, by allowing the display of content and/or services of other Internet sites and/or third parties, may result in the storage, on the terminal of users and/or visitors to the Site itself, of profiling cookies also from third parties. Third-party profiling cookies allow, among other things, to make FIVEN S.p.a.'s commercial proposals visible on other affiliated websites(retargeting). In order to view the third parties, whose profiling cookies are stored on the terminal equipment of users and/or visitors to the Site, please view the Management Window. For the installation of profiling cookies, including those of third parties, the prior consent of users and/or visitors is required.

3c. Enabling cookies
Upon first access to the Site, users and/or visitors are asked to accept, by means of a special Management Window, the cookies used, classified according to the types just described above. This Management Window will also allow users and/or visitors to the Site to manifest and, at the same time, configure their preferences, possibly accepting some cookies and rejecting others. Since cookies are linked to the browser being used, it is possible to manifest and, at the same time, configure preferences regarding cookies, using the settings of the same browser. These choices will affect the cookies placed in the Site's Management Window. Please note that FIVEN S.p.a. is not responsible for browser settings.

3d. Disabling Cookies
If you wish, at any time, to remove or block icookies on your device, you will only need to update the settings in the relevant Management Window at the bottom of this policy or your browser settings. You should keep in mind, however, that disabling cookies may prevent the proper use of certain features of the Site. Instructions for disabling cookies by updating browser settings can be found at the following web pages: Mozilla Firefox - Microsoft Internet Explorer- Google Chrome -Opera - Apple Safari.

Place of processing
The personal data collected from the Site are processed at the headquarters of the Data Controller, located in 80127 - Napoli(Na), Via Belvedere 101, and at the data center of the web hosting service provider Aruba S.p.A. (P. IVA 01573850516), located in 52011 - Bibbiena (AR), Località Palazzetto n. 4. Aruba S.p.A., processing personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, has been appointed as the data controller. The aforementioned data controller is located in the European Economic Area and acts in accordance with European legislation.

Transfer of data to countries outside the EU
In order to pursue the purposes of the processing operations described in this information notice, some of the personal data processed may be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). FIVENS.p.a. will ensure that all possible transfers outside the EEA take place in such a way as to ensure full protection of the rights and freedoms of users and/or visitors. Where, with regard to the third country recipient, no adequacy decisions have been issued by the European Commission pursuant to Article 45 of the Regulation, FIVEN S.p.a.will transfer the personal data collected only if the recipient has provided adequate guarantees pursuant to Article 46 of the Regulation, or has ensured the application of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission in Decision No. 2010/87/EC.

Security measures
The Data Controller processes the personal data of users and/or visitors lawfully and fairly and, in any case, in full compliance with the Regulations. The Data Controller ensures a level of security proportionate to the risk and takes appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality of the users and/or visitors themselves, making every effort to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data. The processing is carried out by means of computer and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logics strictly related to the indicated purposes.

Recipients of personal data
In addition to the Data Controller, the personal data of users and/or visitors to the Site may be accessed by authorized and specially instructed and trained subjects acting under the direct authority of the Data Controller (including administrative, sales and/or marketing personnel, in-house lawyers, system administrators) or third parties appointed for this purpose as external data processors pursuant to Art. 28 of the Regulation, by means of an appropriate contract, chosen from operators who have presented sufficient guarantees to put in place adequate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the Regulation (including third party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies). Rights of Data Subjects Pursuant to Art. 15 ess. of the Regulations, users and/or visitors to the Site are granted, as data subjects, in the manner and within the limits provided for by current legislation, the following rights: to request confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed and, if so, to obtain access to such data and to the information referred to in Art. 15 of the Regulations; under the conditions expressly provided for in the Regulations, request the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, and limitation of the processing of personal data concerning them; in the cases and under the conditions provided for in Art. 21 of the Regulations, to object to the processing of personal data concerning them; in the cases and under the conditions provided for in Article 20 of the Regulations, to receive, at the sole cost of any special support required by the data subjects, the personal data provided to the Data Controller, in a structured, commonly used form eligible for automatic device; to revoke the consent given at any time; to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Garante perla protezione dei dati personali); as well as, more generally, to exercise all the rights recognized to them by the current provisions of law. Relevant requests should be addressed to the Data Controller. In the event that personal data are processed on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Data Controller, the users and/or visitors are in any case guaranteed the rights set forth in Articles 15 et seq. of the Regulations, with the exception of the right to portability set forth in Article 20 of the Regulations.

This privacy policy is current as of January 1, 2021. Legal Notices FIVEN S.p.a. reserves the right to change the contents of the Site and legal notices at any time and without prior notice. FIVEN S.p.a. has no responsibility regarding external sites, which may possibly be accessed through links placed within the Site, provided as a mere service to network users and without implying approval of the sites themselves. FIVEN S.p.a. takes care to minimize dysfunctions attributable to technical problems, taking care to adopt all possible measures to avoid and eliminate them, but cannot exclude that the service suffers interruptions or is otherwise affected by external agents or actions, which aim to compromise its access and consultation; therefore, it does not assume any responsibility for the consequences that may result. Some information may be organized in files containing structured data or formats that are not error-free. We therefore recommend that you consult this web space with the understanding that it may contain inaccuracies and/or typographical inaccuracies, as we cannot guarantee that a document available online exactly reproduces an officially approved text. FIVEN S.p.a. does not, therefore, assume any responsibility for the material contained in the Site, considering only the printed version of the corresponding official documents to be authentic.

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